Schedule and Parking Plan
Thank you for your patience as we make progress with The Beacon Project! Updates will be made as soon as we are aware of impacts. All riders and volunteers in impacted classes will be notified by text.
Last updated: 3/3/25 at 7:00AM
Daily Parking and Meeting Plan
Enter Back Drive (off CR 858)
Park in BLUE
Meet at Admin Building to be shuttled to arena
Horse Leaders:
Enter Back Drive (off CR 858)
Park in BLUE
Meet at Admin Building to be shuttled to barn
Side Walkers:
Enter Back Drive (off CR 858)
Park in BLUE
Meet at Admin Building to be shuttled to arena
Barn Buddies:
Enter Back Drive (off CR 858)
Park in Back Drive
Meet at Admin Building to be shuttled to barn
Enter Back Drive (off CR 858)
Park in Fire Lane
Weekly Schedule
On Break! Session #2 resumes March 14th.
ManeGait is an active construction zone.
Parking and meeting instructions will be texted to you before each lesson day at 7 AM.
These instructions may change daily.
Riders and volunteers will be shuttled in golf carts from their meeting location to the lesson location.
You are not permitted to walk the property without a ManeGait staff member.
Children must be supervised at all times and are not permitted to explore.
Those who do not follow these safety precautions will not be allowed to participate in future lessons.
Each morning before your lesson, you will receive a text.
Texts will notify you what entrance to use, where to park, and where to meet.
These details will also be updated here:
If we are unable to hold class in the covered arena due to construction, we will ride in the Founder's Pasture next door (weather permitting).
Riders and volunteers will be shuttled in golf carts to the lesson location.
Lessons may be shorter, because of the time needed to shuttle riders and move horses.
Riders will be shuttled back to their meeting location directly after dismounting and will not be able to assist with putting away their equipment.
Classes may be canceled at the last minute due to weather or unexpected construction changes.
You will receive a text if your lesson is canceled
Cancelations will also be updated here:
The parent viewing area is now gone and there is no place for families to watch their rider.
Unless a rider has a disability for which they need parental support for shuttling or mounting, parents will be asked to stay in the Admin Building or their vehicle during lessons.
Check your texts and know where you are parking / meeting prior to coming to ManeGait each week.
Riders and sidewalkers should arrive 10 min early. If a rider is more than 10 minutes late to class, they will not be allowed to ride that day.
Wear sunscreen.
Use the restroom (GaitHouse or Admin Building) before class. It is not possible to go back to the restroom once class has begun.
Please be patient and flexible as delays and changes may be necessary.
If you have any questions, contact Sarah at